АЛТЕРНАТИВЕ ФИЛМ/ВИДЕО 1985/6, документарна изложба / доцументарy еxхибитион

Svečano otvaranje Festivala Alternative Film/Video 2014

19:45 | Velika Galerija | Main Theatre Gallery 
Izložba / Exhibition
ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 1985/6, dokumentarna izložba / documentary exhibition
Izložbu pripremili / Exhibition prepared by Miodrag Milošević & Nikola Đurić

Alternative film arhiv


1985 godine u program festivala Alternative film uveden je video. Snažan razvoj video tehnologije davao je velike mogućnosti za rad i izražavanje novoj generaciji autora koja ranije nije imala dodira sa filmskom produkcijom i koja je video koristila kao svoj prirodni medij izražavanja. S druge strane, nove mogućnosti privukle su filmske autore da koriste novi medij u svojim filmovima i da prošire svoje polje delovanja na novi medij. Susret se desio a zabeležen je na festivalu 1985 godine. Festival nije imao takmičarski karakter već je program predstavljao selekciju filmova koji su na neki način dodirivali video i selekciju video radova koji su na neki način dodirivali film. Festival je tada promenio ime u Alternative film/video koje nosi i danas, u vreme kada su oba medija tehnološki postala deo istorije.


Ova dokumentarna izložba  (na kojoj su predstavljeni dokumenti, table sa fotogramima iz filmova i inserti iz pojedinih filmova i video radova koji su prikazani na festivalima 1985 i 1986. godine) samo je deo onoga što je u tadašnjoj Jugoslaviji predstavljalo dogadjaj u umetnosti pokretnih slika – nezaboravni i neponovljivi susret filma i videa. Dalje prikupljanje građe omogućiće novoj generaciji istraživača, teoretičara, autora i gledalaca da upotpune svoja znanja i ponovo vrednuju filmska i video dela koja su nastala u trenutku dodira ova dva medija


Miodrag Milošević


Video was introduced in the 1985 program of the Alternative Film festival. A powerful development of video technology gave a number of possibilities for work and exploration to the generation of authors that did not have any experience with film production and used video as its natural medium. On the other hand, the possibilities caught the attention of filmmakers who started using this new media in their own movies, and thus expand their field of work. The meeting had happened and was recorded on the 1985 festival edition. The festival did not have any competition program, but a selection of films that bordered with video, and video works that bordered with film in some way. The festival changed its name to Alternative Film/Video, and it goes under that title even today, when both of these media are a part of history.


This documentary exhibition features documents, photogram tables, inserts and excerpts form certain films and video works screened at the 1985 and 1986 festival editions, and represents only a small part of what was a major moving pictures event in Yugoslavia at that time – unforgettable and unique encounter of film and video. To the new generation of researchers, scholars, authors and viewers, further archive work should enable knowledge accumulation, and re-evaluation of films and videos created in the period when these two media met for the first time.


Miodrag Milošević
