Knjiga kao umetnički objekat, umetnička knjiga, umetnikova knjiga... kao mediji za koju se ne može pronaći jedinstvena definicija

Galerija, od 28. 1. do 20. 2.

Otvaranje u četvrtak 28. 1. u 19:00


Izložba bibliofilskih izdanja iz kolekcije Fakulteta primenjenih umetnosti iz Beograda,

Gostujući deo izložbe: umetničke knjige iz kolekcije kolektiva ABBA (A Buncha Book Artists) sa Državnog univerziteta Arizone, Tempe (SAD)


Knjiga kao umetnički objekat, umetnička knjiga, umetnikova knjiga... kao mediji za koju se ne može pronaći jedinstvena definicija u tom smislu, predstavlja uzbudljivo polje istraživanja i eksperimentisanja sa slikom, tekstom, fontovima, materijalima, načinom listanja i vrstama poveza, koje je oduvek privlačilo veliki broj umetnika.


Jedan od žanrova umetničke knjige je i bibliofilsko izdanje. Na FPU u Beogradu, u okviru predmeta Grafika knjige, tokom nastavnog programa završne godine i postdiplomskih studija studenti rade bibliofilska izdanja, pri čemu je student projektant, realizator i (ko)izdavač ilustrovanog književog dela po vlasitom izboru. Od 1964. na FPU u Beogradu je štampano preko tri stotine izdanja i tako je nastala jedinstvena kolekcija koja nam pruža uvid u tendencije u grafici knjige tokom pet decenija. Deo ove kolekcije publika će imati priliku da prelista i pogleda.


Gostujući deo izložbe predstavljaju umetničke knjige studenata kolektiva ABBA sa Državnog univerziteta Arizone, Tempe, SAD (ASU) koja predstavlja deo  međunarodne  razmene između DKSG i ASU.


U okviru izložbe u četvrtak, 18. 2. u 19.00, u Galeriji biće održano predavanje na kome će prof. Jugoslav Vlahović, redovni profesor FPU u penziji, govoriti o začecima bibliofilije i pokretanju rada na knjigama na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu pod nadzorom pokojnog prof. Bogdana Kršića, grafičara. Biće reči o produkcionoj geneziovog žanra, kao i o njegovim likovnim svojstvima. Olivera Batajić Sretenović, docent na Odseku za grafiku knjige FPU, govoriće o upotrebi starih tehnika pri savremenoj izradi knjiga, o potencijalima različitih tehnologija, kao i o pokretanju radionica za izradu umetničkih knjiga na FPU. Nikola Radosavljević, saradnik u nastavi FPU, govoriće o umetničkoj knjizi kao samostalnom grafičkom žanru, njenim mogućnostima i načinima komunikacije u različitim formama i likovnim svojstvima, s osvrtom na tendencije savremene umetničke scene u svetu.


Radno vreme Galerijie: svakog dana osim nedelje od 17.00 - 21.00

Ulaz slobodan


Gallery, January 28 – February 20, 2016

Opening reception on January 28 at 7 p.m.


 Art book exhibition from the collection of Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade with the guest selection of ABBA members artists' books from Arizona State University, Tempe, USA


Art book, artists' book, the book-related art, the book as an art object...there is not one single definition for this exciting field of research and experimentation with image, text, fonts, materials, method of scrolling and types of bookbindings.


During the final year and post-graduate studies students at the Faculty of Applied Arts (FPU) in Belgrade create art books of single or limited editions through practices of designing, illustrating and co(publishing) a literary work according to their choice. Since 1964 the FPU has printed and collected over three hundred editions of students' art books. During this exhibition the audience will have an opportunity to view, open, touch and scroll through the part of this unique collection.


Along with FPU collection, Students' City Cultural Center invited members of ABBA (A Buncha Book Artists) collective from Arizona State University, Tempe, USA to exhibit artist's book from their collection. Books will stay within the Students' City Cultural Center collection as contribution to the archives and used with the intention of teaching. This donation is a part of the permanent exchange launched last year when Belgrade University student’ artists' books were exhibited at the ABBA's annual exhibition.


TOUCH, PLEASE! exhibition showcases the creativity of bookforms and various bookbindings.



As a part of the exhibition Touch, Please! at the Gallery on Thursday, February 18 at 7 pm, lectures of Prof Jugoslav Vlahovic, prof Olivera Batajić Sretenović and Nikola Radosavljević will take place. Vlahović, professor in the retirement, will address the topic on the beginnings of bibliophile editions, launched on the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade under the supervision of deceased prof Bogdan Kršić, graphic artist. He will also discuss the genesis of bibliophile and it's visual characteristics. Olivera Batajić Sretenović, assistant professor at the Book Graphic Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, will speak about the use of old techniques in the contemporary art books production, the potentials of various technologies and the initiation of workshops for art books at the Faculty of Applied Arts. Nikola Radosavljević, the teaching associate at the Faculty of Applied Arts, will mainly talk about art books as an independent graphic genre, their possibilities and the ways of communication, with emphasis on the tendencies at the contemporary art scene.



Working hours, Monday – Saturday from 5 pm to 9 pm

Free admission


Students' City Cultural Center

Zorana Djindjica Boulevard 179

Belgrade, Serbia



