L'ALTERNATIVA, Barselona, Prezentacija ovogodišnjeg festivala

22:30 | Velika sala | Main Theatre 
Prezentacija festivala / Festival presentation


A Family Portrait, Joseph Pierce (2009, United Kingdom, 5 min.)

Bu Sahilde (On the Coast), Merve Kayan, Zeynep Dadak (2009, Turkey, 22 min.)

Twelve Sketches on the Impossibility of Being Still, Magali Charrier (2010, United Kingdom, 8 min.)

Sárga Labda, (Yellow Ball) Dániel Béres (2009, Hungary, 9 min.)

J'attends une femme, (Waiting for a Woman) Chiara Malta (2010, France, 20 min.)

A Game of String, Magda Boreysza (2010, United Kingdom, 8 min.)

Ghosts, Jan Ijäs (2009, Finland, 15 min.)


Program predstavlja mogućnosti autentičnih ličnih narativa, nečeg što bismo mogli nazvati turbulencijama. Izabrani kratki filmovi su izvanredni, raznovrsni primeri „performativne“ imaginacije: ne samo autorske/rediteljske imaginacije, koja je svakako prisutna, već i imaginacije likova/događaja koji su „re-prezentovani“, različitih načina na koji se njihove misli, maštarije i mogućnosti uobličavaju, transformišu i uobličavaju... Načina na koji se iz-vode.


Celine Pimentel

Kustoskinja, l’Alternativa Hall

L’Alternativa, Festival nezavisnog filma, Barselona


Tokom godina l’Alternativa je učestvovala na brojnim festivalima sa projektom Exchanges / Razmene, koji je napravljen kako bi stvorio priliku da se šalju i primaju programi i promovišu filmovi sa festivala. Za projekcije filmova na festivalima sa sličnim stavom prema pokretnim slikama, spremili smo program filmova sa poslednjeg festivala – zauzvrat želimo da prikažemo filmove sa ovih festivala na našem – l’Alternativa.


Zadnjih godina imali sarađivali smo sa raznim festivalima: Alternative Film/Video (Beograd), FCST (Buenos Ajres), Imago (Portugal), IndieLisboa (Lisabon), Documenta (Madrid), Signes de Nuit (Pariz), Open Cinema (Petrograd), Love & Anarchy (Helsinki), Intents (Sevilja), EMAF European Media Art Festival (Osnabrik), AFX Amsterdam Film eXperience (Amsterdam), i Cork Film Festival (Cork), između ostalih. Program sadrži razne filmove, od dokumentaraca do animacije, i otvara prostor za najinovativnije, intimne, duhovite kreacije koje podstiču na razmišljanje.


This program displays the possibilities of genuine and personal narratives, of what I would call ‘turbulences’. These short films are also wonderful and diverse samples of what a ‘performative’ imaginary is – not only the author’s/director’s imaginary, which is obviously at work, but also the characters/events ‘re-presented’ and the different ways their thoughts, imagination, and possibilities take form, transform, and go through the form ... ‘perform’.


Céline Pimentel

Curator, l’Alternativa Hall L’Alternativa, Festival de Cinema Independent de Barcelona


Over the years l’Alternativa has been invited to a large number of festivals through our Exchanges project, which has created the opportunity to give and receive programmes and promote the Festival’s films. We have prepared programmes from the latest editions of the Festival to be screened at other festivals with the same vision of moving image works; in return we would like to screen programmes of films from these festivals at l’Alternativa.



In recent years we have carried out Exchanges with festivals such as Alternative Film/Video (Belgrade), FCST (Buenos Aires), Imago (Portugal), IndieLisboa (Lisbon), Documenta (Madrid), Signes de Nuit (Paris), Open Cinema (Saint Petersburg), Love & Anarchy (Helsinki), Intents (Seville), EMAF European Media Art Festival (Osnabrück), AFX Amsterdam Film eXperience (Amsterdam), and Cork Film Festival (Cork), amongst others. The programmes comprise works that range from documentaries to animation, with room for the most innovative, intimate, humorous, and thought-provoking creations.



