ТАКО МЛАДИ / СО YОУНГ, видео радови из 80их и 90их година / видео wоркс фром 80-иес анд 90-иес

Tako mladi, video radove iz 80ih i 90ih predstavljaju Neven and Zemira

19:00 | Mala sala | Small Theatre
Autorska prezentacija / Author’s presentation


video radovi iz 80ih i  90ih godina /

video works from 80-ies and 90-ies 
Neven and Zemira (Zemira Pečovnik Alajbegović and Neven Korda Andrič)


Zemira Alajbegović i Neven Korda su kao autorski par djelovali u osamdesetim i devedesetim godinama na različitim područjima umjetničkog i društvenog angažiranja. Njihova video praksa je bila najplodnija u devedestim. Pokazat ćemo tri kratka filma iz prve polovice tog desetljeća.Iz razdoblja multimedijskog djelovanja u osamdesetim ćemo pokazati video kasetu Tako mladi skupine Borghesia.


Betacam SP, D3 mastering, 12 min.
production: Forum Ljubljana, TV Slovenija
Ljubljana, 1995
screenplay: Zemira Alajbegoviæ
director: Neven Korda

In the film apocryphal documents intertwine with various views on the role of art and the mission of the artist, which were emerging in the first half of the 20th Century.


Betacam SP, 11 min.
production: TV Slovenija
Ljubljana, 1993
screenplay: Zemira Alajbegoviæ
director: Neven Korda

In the Middle Ages Lela was accused of witchcraft, in the 20th Century she finds herself in the midst of a war and in the future she will leave this planet.


Betacam SP, 33 min.
production: TV Slovenija, BRUT film, Studio MI, E-Motion film
Ljubljana, 1991
screenplay: Lela B. Njatin and Zemira Alajbegoviæ
director: Neven Korda

The delusive and ungraspable images fluctuate between reality and dreams.


videocassette, U-matic, 30 min.
production: FV Video/ŠKD Forum, Cankarjev dom, SOFT video - Rome
Ljubljana, 1985
Made by Borghesia: Zemira Alajbegoviæ, Goran Devide, Aldo Ivanèiæ, Neven Korda and Dario Seraval

A compilation of music spots by the band Borghesia, which was published as the first video cassette by FV Label in 1985.
