Festival će otvoriti performans 343rd DAY OF THE YEAR

20:00 | Velika sala | Main Theatre 
Audio vizuelni performans / Audio Visual Performance
Ivan Marušić Klif, Alen Sinkauz, Nenad Sinkauz, Miroslav Piškulić



Day of the Year audiovizualni je projekt glazbenika Alena i Nenada Sinkauza, multimedijalnog umjetnika Ivana Marušića Klifa i oblikovatelja zvuka Miroslava Piškulića u kojem kroz improvizaciju istražuju i predstavljaju proces instantnog stvaranja jednosatne audio-vizualne kompozicije.


Projekt je započeo prije 3 godine i predstavio se na raznim festivalima poput: TBA festival, Portland; Abrons Arts Centre, New York; Limit art festival, Beograd; Onjitsu Gekijyo Hall, Tokyo; DNA festival, Tokyo; IETM Pogon jedinstvo, Zagreb; Terraneo, Šibenik, Pula film festival, Pula; Dani Nove Glazbe, Split; Žedno uho, Zagreb; Onassis Cultural Center, Atena...  


Audio i video materijali su u stalnoj korelaciji. Video slike se dijelom generiraju iz zvučnih signala glazbenika, dok procesirani video signali povremeno postaju dio zvučne slike. Kontinuirana gradnja i nadogradnja glazbenog i vizualnog materijala na licu mjesta daje performansu dramatske obrise, a audiovizualne strukture poprimaju s vremenom neočekivane, u svakoj novoj izvedbi drugačije oblike.


Arhitektura prostora svojim izgledom i akustičkim karakteristikama uvelike uvjetuje ishod svake pojedine izvedbe. Zbog kompleksnog procesiranja gitara, mikrofona i pickupa, kao osnovnih izvora zvuka, svojstva razglasa i rezonantnost prostora postaju bitan segment ukupne zvučne slike. Video se bazira isključivo na živom materijalu s video kamera i audio reaktivnih analognih uređaja, pa izgled scene i dvorane postaju sastavni element ukupnog ugođaja.


S obzirom na jedinstvenost svakog performansa i ime projekta varira: redni broj u nazivu ukazuje na dan u godini kada se desila izvedba pojedinog performansa. Npr.ako je izvedba 25.siječnja, naziv performansa bit će 25th day of the year.





ALEN SINKAUZ - bass, low freq. noises, objects, fx NENAD SINKAUZ - guitar, knives, piezo pick ups, objects, vocals, fx IVAN MARUŠIĆ KLIF - live video act MIROSLAV PIŠKULIĆ - sound design


Ivan Marušić Klif već više od dvadeset djeluje na hrvatskoj sceni medijske umjetnosti, kao jedan od istaknutijih autora eksperimentalnog smjera. Diplomirao je 1994. na Visokoj školi za oblikovanje zvuka u Amsterdamu (School of Audio Engineering, Amsterdam). Bavi se izradom interaktivnih, kinetičkih, svjetlosnih i video instalacija, te povremeno performansom. Radi također s glazbom i zvukom u sklopu kazališnih, filmskih, televizijskih i glazbenih projekata. Izlagao je i nastupao u Europi, Japanu i SAD (Mapping festival, Ženeva; Ars Electronica, Linz; Kibla, Maribor; Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana). Dobitnik je nagrade Vladimir Nazor za najbolju izložbu u 2012, nagrade publike na T-HTnagrada@msu.hr 2012. i 2007. i nagrade 26. Salona mladih 2001. U posljednjih nekoliko godina realizirao je seriju samostalnih izložbi sa video instalacijama velikog formata iz serije “Wobbulatori”. Serija je započela izložbom Između frekvencija u MKC Split 2012. Slijedile su izložbe Lambda u Pogonu Jedinstvo u Zagrebu 2012. i Sveta srca u AMI, Pula u 2012. U lipnju 2014. otvorio je samostalnu izložbu Između frekvencija II u Umjetničkom paviljonu u Zagrebu. Od 2012. intenzivno surađuje s glazbenicima Alenom i Nenadom Sinkauzom na seriji AV performansa “…day of the year”. U 2013. i 2014. u suradnji sa japanskom plesačicom Mikiko Kawamura, realizirali su multimedijalni projekt Encounter.


web: i.m.klif.tv

vimeo: www.vimeo.com/imklif

flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/13766531@N05/


Day of the Year is an audio-visual project created by musicians Alen and Nenad Sinkauz, a multimedia artist Ivan Marušić Klif and a sound designer Miroslav Piškulić, where they explore and present, by improvising, the process of instantly creating  a one-hour audio-visual piece.


The project has started three years ago and has been presented on a number of festivals, such as: TBA festival, Portland; Abrons Arts Centre, New York; Limit art festival, Beograd; Onjitsu Gekijyo Hall, Tokyo; DNA festival, Tokyo; IETM Pogon jedinstvo, Zagreb; Terraneo, Šibenik, Pula film festival, Pula; Dani Nove Glazbe, Split; Žedno uho, Zagreb; Onassis Cultural Center, Athens...

The audio and video materials in this project constantly correlate. Video images are partly generated from the sound signals musician send, while the processed video signals become parts of the soundscape from time to time. The performance develops a dramatic arrangement from continuous building and upgrading of the musical and video material on spot, while making the unexpected audio-visual structures and different shapes with each show.

The result of each show is influenced a lot by the architecture of space. Because of the complex processing of guitars, microphones and pickups, the main sources of sound, the configuration of the sound system and the resonance of space become an important segment of the soundscape. The video is based exclusively on the material made with video cameras and analog audio-reactive equipment, therefore the stage and auditorium design are incorporated in the whole feeling.

Since the performance is unique, it changes names: the number in the title marks the day of the year when certain show happened. For example, if the show was on 25th of January, the name of the performance will be The 25th Day of the Year.




ALEN SINKAUZ - bass, low freq. noises, objects, fx

NENAD SINKAUZ - guitar, knives, piezo pick ups, objects, vocals, fx

IVAN MARUŠIĆ KLIF - live video act         

MIROSLAV PIŠKULIĆ - sound design


Ivan Marušić Klif is present on the Croatian media art scene for more than 20 years, as one on the more prominent authors in experimental stream. He graduated in 1994 at the School of Audio Engineering, Amsterdam. He makes interactive, kinetic, light and video installations, and occasionally performance acts. He also worked with sound and music in various theatre, film, television and music projects. He exhibited and performed in Europe, Japan and the USA (Mapping festival, Geneva; Ars Electronica, Linz; Kibla, Maribor; Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana). He received the Vladimir Nazor award for the best exhibition in 2012, the audience awards at T-HTnagrada@msu.hr in 2007 and 2012, and the 26th Salom mladih award in 2001. In the last few years he had a series of exhibitions with large format video installations Wobbulatori.  The series began with the Between Frequencies exhibition at MKC Split (2012), followed by Lambda at Pogon jedinstvo in Zagreb (2012), and A Matter of Heart at Ami, Pula (2012). In June 2014 his individual exposition Between Frequencies II opened at Umjetnički paviljon in Zagreb. From 2012 he cooperates intensively with musicians Alen and Nenad Sinkauz on the series of AV performances … Day of the Year. In 2013 and 2014 he realized a project Encounter with a Japanese ballet dancer Mikiko Kawamura.


web: i.m.klif.tv

vimeo: www.vimeo.com/imklif

flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/13766531@N05/



