Изложба фотографија БУЛБ Колектива из Бугарске

BULB KOLEKTIV je udruženje fotografa osnovano od strane Mihaila Moskoliosa 2015.godine, koje danas broji 52 člana iz Rumunije, Bugarske, Turske, Grčke, Crne Gore i sa Kipra.


5 - 8. decembar, Velika galerija

Otvaranje u sredu 5. 12. u 19.00

Izložba fotografija BULB Kolektiva iz Bugarske

Festival fotografije VIZUALIZATOR


BULB KOLEKTIV je udruženje fotografa osnovano od strane Mihaila Moskoliosa 2015.godine, koje danas broji 52 člana iz Rumunije, Bugarske, Turske, Grčke, Crne Gore i sa Kipra. Fotografi BULB-a intenzivno se bave visoko estetičnom urbanom i ruralnom fotografijom. Dele istu viziju koja se sastoji iz težnje da svojim neorealističkim fotografijama obuhvate sve kontradiktorne aspekte života na Balkanu i pritom pružaju različite perspektive, što celokupnom radu Kolektiva obezbeđuje neophodnu polifoniju izraza.


BULB Kolektiv učestvuje u projektima na Balkanu i šire, izlaže u evropskim galerijama, sarađuje sa lokalnim i stranim foto-klubovima, organizuje radionice i seminare i objavio je mnogobrojne foto-knjige. Jedan je od glavnih organizatora Festivala ulične fotografije PhoS u Atini, Bukureštu i uskoro i u Sofiji.


Izlagali su na nekim od najprestižnijih festivala street fotografije, od čega posebno izdvajaju učešće na Festivalu Street fotografije u Majamiju i učešće na konkursu za najbolju street fotografiju ASPA u Algeru.

Publici VIZUALIZATOR-a BULB Kolektiv će se predstaviti fotografijama članova iz Bugarske:


VentsislavLalev, diplomirani marketinški stručnjak, fotografijom je počeo da se bavi ne bi li napravio kreativan predah od svog svakodnevnog radnog okruženja . Posebno se interesuje za boje, oblike ljude i tragove ljudskog prisustva u svom okruženju, a svoje fotografije smatra vizuelnom reprezentacijom svakodnevne realnosti. Nosilac je druge nagrade na takmičenju street fotografije „Mi, ljudi“, održanog u galeriji FOTOSINTEZA, najprestižnijoj galeriji u Bugarskoj.


Martin Iliev, diplomirani filmski režiser, master producent i ulični fotograf, rođen i odrastao u Sofiji. Režirao je nekoliko kratkih filmova, spotova i niz reklama za neke od najvećih klijenata na Balkanu. Fascinira ga gradski život, a ulice ga istovremeno privlače i plaše. U svom radu posebno istražuje gradski život Sofije, gde je rođen i odrastao.


Penko Skumov, istoričar umetnosti i kulturolog po struci, aktivno se bavi grafičkim dizajnom i freelance fotografijom. Bio je jedan od osnivača i član grupe fotografa Naos. U periodu od 2001. do 2009. godine grupa je

organizovala niz izložbi fotografija i okupila mnogobrojne mlade umetnike filmske i analogne fotografije. Njegove fotografije su objavljivane u magazinima „Mirna“, „Hrišćanstvo i kultura“, i „Svet“-u, kao i u izdanjima „Omofor“ izdravačke kuće, a izlagane su u Bugarskoj, Rumuniji i Grčkoj.


Svilen Nachev, rođen u Svištovu i interesuje se za fotografiju još od tinejdžerskog doba, a street fotografijom počeo je da se bavi nešto kasnije. Član je BULB-a od 2017. godine i finalista je najprestižnijih festivala street fotografije- u Majamiju, Atini, Rimu i Briselu. Osvojio je prvu nagradu na konkursu BG Press Photo 2017. godine i nagradu za humanitarnu fotogtafiju "Shavarsh Artin“ za svoj foto projekat Persin“.

Za njega, fotografija predstavlja strast, uživanje i beg od običnog, sredstvo dokumentovanja života i samoekspresije.






The BULB Collective has been founded in January 2015 by Michail Moscholios after inviting 5 Bucharest based photographers to join him. At the moment BULB consists of 52 photographers from Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece and Cyprus and Montenegro, active in urban (and rural) photography with an expressive shift to include highly aesthetic and poetic images in their assignments.  They share the same vision but not the same perspective which gives the necessary "polyphony" in their extremely ambitious endeavor to cover all the aspects of the Balkan neorealism.

Their visual signatures aspire to create iconic images and to be the best in metamorphosing and interpreting all aspects of life in this highly contradictory and fascinating part of the world. The BULB Collective holds projects in the Balkans and beyond, exhibitions in European galleries, assignments in cooperation with foreign and local Photo Clubs, workshops, residential seminars, publishes photo-books etc.


In 3 years, among other projects, BULB published four over a 100-page books and held many international exhibitions.

In 2017 BULB was featured collective at the one of the most prestigious festivals about street photography in the world - Miami Street Photography Festival 2017. In 2018 the collective was featured at ASPA – Alghero Street Photography Awards.

BULB Collective is one of the main organizers to PhoS Street Photography Festival in Athens, Bucharest and in very soon in Sofia.


At “Vizualizator” festival BULB Collective will present pictures by members from Bulgaria.


Ventsislav Lalev is born in Svishtov, Bulgaria in 1984. At the moment He lives and works in Sofia. Has a bachelor’s degree in marketing.

“I’ve been appreciating photography in all of its forms as long as I can remember, but never thought to try and take pictures seriously until 3 years ago. Needed a break from my working environment,  something to keep me moving in a creative way. I’m mostly interested in colors, shapes, people and signs of human presence in my surroundings. I look at my pictures as a visual representation of every day reality. They don’t have special meaning or hidden message. Of course every rule has its exception.”

He won second prize in the street photography contest “We, the people”, hosted by the most prestigious gallery in Bulgaria -  Photosynthesis. His work has been exhibited in Romania, Italy, Bulgaria. Member of BULB since January 2018.


Martin Iliev is a film director and street photographer born and raised in Sofia, Bulgaria. He graduated as a film director in 2010 from the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria and got an MA in Producing in 2013. Since then he has been a director of several short films, music videos and variety of commercials for some of the biggest clients on the Balkans.

“I am fascinated with urban life. Streets fear and attract me at the same time. I am born and raised in Sofia, Bulgaria and this is the place I started exploring few years ago.”


Penko Skumov is graphic designer and freelance photographer from Sofia, Bulgaria. He is born in 1978 and grеw up in Pomorie on the Black Sea coast. Studied art history and cultural studies in New Bulgarian University in Sofia, co-founder and member of the non-active photo group Naos. Between 2001-2009 the group organized series of photo exhibitions uniting many young artists in film photography and analog printing. His photographs are published in “Mirna”, “Christianity and Culture”, “Svet” magazines, in issues from “Omofor” publishing house etc. His photographs have been exhibited in Bulgaria, Romania andGreece.


Svilen Nachev is born in 1979 in the small bulgarian town of Svishtov located on Danube river. He's interested in photography since his teens, but started shooting the streets in 2011. Member of BULB since January 2017, finalist at the one of the most prestigious festivals about street photography in the world - Miami, Athens, Rome and Brussels, in 2017 won 1st prize in BG Press Photo and the prize for humanitarian photography on the name of "Shavarsh Artin" for his photo project "Persin"

"For me photography is passion, enjoyment, an escape from the ordinary, way of documenting life and expressing myself. My main reason to shoot is to take better pictures, exploring the streets for something hidden and to catch a glimpse of what life was like for the next generations."




