Convergence / PHX – BG

Convergence / PHX – BG je izložba fotografskih radova umetnika iz Beograda (Srbija) i Feniksa (SAD).

Please scroll down for English translation


Convergence / PHX – BG

Od 12. od 28. februara, 2015, Galerija

Otvaranje u četvrtak 12. februara u 19.00



Kustos: Maida Gruden

Umetnici: Aleksandrija Ajduković, Nidaa Aboulhosn, Dana Buhl, Edgar Cardenas, Sean Deckert, William LeGoullon, Michael Lundgren, Goran Micevski, Ivan Petrović, Stefana Savić, Nina Todorović, Mihailo Vasiljević, Ryan Parra, Claire A. Warden


Convergence / PHX – BG je izložba fotografskih radova umetnika iz Beograda (Srbija) i Feniksa (SAD). Tokom petonedeljnog boravka u okviru  ASU Art Museum International Artist Residency programa u Feniksu, u oktobru i novembru prošle godine, Maida Gruden, urednik likovnog programa Doma kulture Studentski grad i CEC ArtsLink stipendista za 2014. godinu, imala je priliku da se upozna sa velikim brojem lokalnih umetnika i studenata, da stekne uvid u njihov rad i umetničke prakse. Ovaj kratak ali plodonosan boravak pružio joj je mogućnost da organizuje izložbu baziranu na interakcijama sa fotografima iz Feniksa i dosadašnjoj saradnji sa fotografima iz Beograda. Izložba je održana u Combine Studios Gallery u Downtown Feniksu tokom novembra i decembra 2014. godine. Beogradska publika ima priliku da pogleda izložbu Convergence / PHX – BG, sa proširenim izborom umetnika, od 12. do 28. februara 2015. godine u Galeriji Doma kulture Studentski grad u Beogradu.


Izložba obuhvata presek generacije umetnika od dvadeset do četrdeset godina. Nakon izložbe u Feniksu, beogradska izložba označava sledeći korak u povezivanju umetnika, publike, fotografskih praksi i ljudi iz dva udaljena grada. Naslov  Convergence / PHX – BG ukazuje posmatraču na sličnosti ali i razlike koje obogaćuju i intrigiraju naše lokalne perspektive. Namera ove konvergencije je kreiranje prostora za lični susret i dijalog umetnika iz Beograda i Feniksa u budućnosti.



Međunarodni rezidencijalni umetnički program, koji organizuje Umetnički muzej Državnog univerziteta u Arizoni (ASU Art Museum), i u okviru koga je inicijalno realizovana izložba Convergence / PHX-BG, dovodi afirmisane domaće i međunarodne umetnike, kustose i teoretičare na Državni univerzitet u Arizoni u cilju razvijanja novih radova, uz istraživačke resurse Državnog univerziteta i u saradnji sa različitim umetničkim zajednicama. Rezidencijalni boravak Maide Gruden delimično je finansiran  uz pomoć CEC ArtsLink Residencies, organizacije koja umetnicima i menadžerima u umetnosti iz 37 stranih zemalja omogućava petonedeljni rezidencijalni boravak u neprofitnim umetničkim organizacijama širom SAD-a. Program pruža priliku umetnicima i umetničkim zajednicama iz različitih delova SAD-a da razmene svoje umetničke prakse sa umetnicima i menadžerima iz inostranstva i uključe se u dijalog koji za cilj ima unapređenje interkulturnog razumevanja.



Dom kulture Studentski grad, Galerija

Adresa: Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 179, 11070 Novi Beograd


Radno vreme Galerije 

Ponedeljak - subota, 17.00 – 21.00

Ulaz slobodan


Za više informacija






English translation


Convergence / PHX - BG

February 12 to 28, 2015

Opening reception: Thursday, February 12, on 7 p.m.


Curator: Maida Gruden

Artists: Aleksandrija Ajduković, Nidaa Aboulhosn, Dana Buhl, Edgar Cardenas, Sean Deckert, William LeGoullon, Michael Lundgren, Goran Micevski, Ivan Petrović, Stefana Savić, Nina Todorović, Mihailo Vasiljević, Ryan Parra, Claire A. Warden


Convergence / PHX - BG is an exhibition of photographic works by artists from Belgrade (Serbia) and Phoenix (U.S). During her five-week stay at the ASU Art Museum International Artist Residency Program, in October and November last year,  Maida Gruden, visual arts program coordinator at the Students' City Cultural Center and CEC ArtsLink Fellow for 2014, had the opportunity to meet a number of local artists and students to view and learn about their work and processes. This short but eventful time has brought the opportunity for Gruden to develop an exhibition based on her interaction with photographers from Phoenix and recent collaborations with photographers from Belgrade. The exhibition was on display at the Combine Studios Gallery in Downtown Phoenix thorugh November and December in 2014. Belgrade audiences have the opportunity to see Convergence / PHX – BG exhibition, with extended selection of artists, from 12 to 28 of February 2015 at the Students’ City Cultural Center Gallery in Belgrade .


The exhibition represents a generational cross-section of artists from their twenties to their forties. Following the Phoenix’s exhibition, show in Belgrade indicates a next step in connecting the artists, audiences, photographic processes and people from two distant towns. The title Convergence / PHX - BG is intended for the viewer to consider similarities but also to raise interests for differences that enrich and intrigue our local perspectives.  The effects of this convergence will be to create a space for personal encounter and dialog of artists from Phoenix and Belgrade in the future.



The ASU Art Museum International Artist Residency Program, within which the Convergence/PHX-BG exhibition was initially realized,  brings accomplished national and international artists, curators and scholars to ASU to develop new work with the research resources of Arizona State University and the diverse communities in Arizona. Maida Gruden’s residency was in part funded through the support of CEC ArtsLink Residencies, which offers artists and arts managers from 37 overseas countries five-week residencies at non-profit arts organizations throughout the US. The program enables artists and communities across the U.S. to share artistic practices with artists and arts managers from abroad and engage in dialogue that advances understanding across cultures.



Students’ City Cultural Center, Gallery

Address: Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 179, 11070 Novi Beograd


Gallery hours

open Monday – Saturady, 5 – 9 p.m.

Cost: Free


For more information



