Dušan Kastelic


Utorak/Tuesday 6.10. u 19:30, Velika galerija/Big Gallery


Presenting Author and Jury member: Dušan Kastelic


Dušan Kastelic je rođen pre 50 godina u malom rudarskom gradiću usred Slovenije. Kao sitno i bolesno dete, bio je nesposoban nastaviti tradiciju familije i dobiti pristojan posao u rudniku. Tako je postao animator. Svoj prvi strip je objavio sa 15 godina i od tada se je isprobao u praktićki svim oblicima „vizuelnog pripovedanja“ (stripovi, ilustracije, animirani filmovi, kompjuterske igre...)

Dušan Kastelic radi kao samostalni grafički dizajner,  ilustrator,  animator, autor stripova i kompjuterskih igara. Njegov prvi okušaj u 3d animaciji i prvi kratkometražni animirani film bio je Perk (2002), video spot urađen u saradnji sa polka-pank bendom Orlek. Njegov najnoviji animirani  film Cikorija i kafa premijeru je doživeo na festivalima i od tada putuje širom sveta gde su mu dodeljene brojne nagrade: Pilar Barden nagrada na festivalu Sineposibl, nagrada za najbolji animirani film na međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u San Hoakinu, nagrada za najbolji kratkometražni  animirani  film i specijalna nagrada žirija na festivalu animiranog filma „Mundos Dihitales“, nagrada za najbolju animaciju na 22.Fojl filmskom festivalu i nagrada za najbolji film na međunarodnom filmskom festivalu Levante.

Decembarsko izdanje časopisa „3D svet“ iz 2010 godine svrstalo je Cikoriju i kafu među 100 kratkometražnih filmova u tehnici kompjuterska grafika koji se moraju videti.


Nastao 2006. godine, Bagbrejn studio čiji je osnivač Dušan Kastelic, nezavisni je multimedijalni studio animacije sa sedištem u Zagorju. Dobro je poznat po svojim animiranim kratkometražnim filmovima koji su osvojili nekoliko međunarodnih nagrada, ali studio se takođe bavi i animacijom kompjuterskih igara i kreiranjem reklama, kao i stripova i ilustracija.


Dušan Kastelic was born 50 years ago in a small mining town in the middle of Slovenia. As a sickly and skinny child he was unable to carry on the family tradition and get a decent job as a miner. So he became an animator.When he was 15, he published his first comic. Since then he tried practically all forms of "visual storytelling" (comics, illustrations, animations, computer games...)

Dušan Kastelic works as a freelance graphic designer, illustrator, animator, author of comics and programmer of computer games. His first attempt in 3D computer animation and his first short animation film was Perk, a video spot which was conceived in 2002 in a collaboration with the polka-punk band Orlek. His latest animated film Chicory 'n' Coffee (Čikorja an' kafe) kicked off in 2008 at the Festival of Slovenian Film where it received the Vesna Award for the Best Animation as one of the best achievements of Slovene animation and short films in general. Since then it has been travelling around the globe and has received numerous awards: the Pilar Bardem Award at the Cineposible Festival, the Best Animated Film Award at the International Film Festival in San Joaquin, the Best Animation Short and Special Jury Prize at the animation festival Mundos Digitales, the Best Animation at the 22nd Foyle Film Festival, and the Best Film at the Levante International Film Festival.

In the 3D World December 2010 issue the Chicory 'n' Coffee was listed among „the 100 CG shorts you must see”.


Established in 2006 by Dušan Kastelic, Bugbrain Studio is an independent multimedia and animation studio based in Zagorje. It is well known for its animated short films that won several international awards, but the studio is also working on animation in computer games and in commercials and it is producing comics and illustrations.


Animatorova animirana autobiografija

Animatorjeva avtobiografija / Animator's Animated Autobiography

Dušan Kastelic (Bugbrain Studio)

Slovenia, 2004, colour, 2:45

Animation Technique: 2D Computer


Ljudi gledaju crtane filmove i sjajno se zabavljaju; zato misle da je i stvaranje crtanih filmova zabavno. Ali kao što ćete videti u ovom crtanom filmu, to nije baš tako... Autobiografski crtani film u kome život teče ne obraćajući pažnju na autora.

People watch cartoons and have great fun doing that; thus they are convinced that making cartoons is also such fun. But as you'll see in this cartoon, this is not true... An autobiographic cartoon, in which life unfolds without paying any attention to the author.



Perkmandeljc (Perk)

Dušan Kastelic (Bugbrain Studio / E-Motion Film)

Slovenia, 2002, colour, 2:45

Animation Technique: 3D Computer


Perk je animirani video spot koji je napravljen u saradnji sa polka-pank bendom Orlek. Ali ima i priču koja mu prethodi....

Perk is an animated videospot which was concieved in a collaboration with the polka-punk band Orlek. But it also has a background story...


Cikorija i kafa Čikorija an kafe / Chicory 'n' Coffee

Dušan Kastelic (Bugbrain institute)

Slovenia, 2008, 9:00

Animation Technique: 3D Computer


Ovaj ljupki, animirani muzički kratkometražni film, zasnovan na slovenačkoj narodnoj priči,  prikazuje nevinu prevaru jedne žene koja se dogodila tokom dugog i ljubavlju ispunjenog braka.

This sweet, animated musical short, based on a Slovenian folk tale, details a wife's innocent deception of her husband over the course of a long and loving marriage.


Zid uzdaha Zid vzdihljajev / Wall of Sighs

Dušan Kastelic, Igor Šinkovec, Tomaž Lavrič (Bugbrain institute)

Slovenia, 2009, 4:00 Animation Technique: 2D Computer


Psi, takođe, umeju da vole. Duboko, iskreno, strasno... ''Zid uzdaha'' je potresna i srceparajuća melodrama – prepuna strasti i dubokih osećanja – o neuzvraćenoj ljubavi sa tragičnim krajem. Osetljive duše ne bi smele da gledaju.

Dogs, too, can love. Deeply, sincerely, passionately…The Wall of Sighs is a soul-stirring and heartbreaking melodrama - overflowing with passion and deep emotion - about unrequited love with a tragic ending. Sensitive souls should refrain from watching.
