Utorak, 26. septembar
20.00, Velika sala
Bunch of Scrumps
plesno-muzička predstava
Bunch of Scrumps je kolektiv umetnika koji stvara eksperimentalne plesno-muzičke performanse. U ovom kolektivu rad prvenstveno stvaraju izvođači sami, sa namerom da istraže kakva umetnička znanja mogu da proizađu iz ove pozicije. Oni rade nehijerarhijski i interdisciplinarno.
Ova plesna i muzička predstava istražuje proživljena iskustva nečega što je u isto vreme poznato i čudno. Koristi kretanje, zvuk i nameru da proizvede generatore koji nude prolaze u izmenjena stanja. Kroz celu predstavu odvija se igra sa proširenim reprezentacijama ljudskih identiteta. Upotreba tela, i ljudskih i predmetnih, pokušava da sklizne između svakodnevnog, apsurdnog i onostranog.
Telo koje pleše postaje muzički instrument? Peškiri čiste psihokinetičko polje zablude! Stavila sam glavu u vodu.
Go Strange zamislili su, producirali i izvode Jacqueline Aylward (AUS), Maja Kalafatić (SI/SRB) i Jesse Ojäjärvi (FI), umetnici koji dolaze iz različitih zemalja i različitih kulturnih sredina, koji dele i obnavljaju svoje odnose stvarajući zajedno.
Predstava će se izvoditi u Kesälahtiju i Helsinkiju (Finska), u Beogradu i Novom Sadu. Ovaj rad podržali su Centar za promociju umetnosti Finske (TAIKE), Čiča Mičino pozorište Beograd, Dom kulture „Studentski grad“ Beograd, Helsinška centralna biblioteka Oodi, Regionalni fond Finske kulturne fondacije Severna Karelija, Kulturanova Novi Sad i Sovintola Kesälahti.
Trajanje predstave: 45 minuta
Ulaz slobodan
RADIONICA NA TEMU PLESA I MUZIKE, koju će voditi autori predstave, biće održana 25. i 27. septembra, od 11.00 do 13.00 č. U Velikoj sali DKSG. Broj polaznika je ograničen na 15, svi zainteresovani mogu da se prijave na: teatar@dksg.rs
Radionica je besplatna
Tuesday, September 26, 20.00, Main stage
dance and music performance
Bunch of Scrumps is a collective of artists making experimental dance and music performance pieces. In this collective the work is primarily made by the performers with the intention of exploring what artistic knowledge can emerge from this position. They work non-hierarchically and interdiciplinarily.
This dance and music performance explores the lived experiences of something that feels familiar and strange at the same time. It uses movement, sound and intention to produce generators that offer gateways into altered states. It meets, familiarises and recycles these states.
Throughout the work there is a play with expanded representations of human identities. The use of bodies, both human and object, attempts to slip between the everyday, the absurd and the otherworldly.
The dancing body becomes a musical instrument? The towels clear the psychokinetic delusional field! I put my head in the water.
Go Strange is imagined, created and performed by Jacqueline Aylward (AUS), Maja Kalafatić (SI/SRB) and Jesse Ojajärvi (FI). These artists, coming from different countries and different cultural environments/landscapes are sharing and rebuilding their relations by making together.
To be performed in Kesälahti, Helsinki, Belgrade and Novi Sad.
This work is supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Čiča Mičino Pozorište Belgrade, Dom kulture Studentski grad Belgrade, Helsinki Central Library Oodi, The Finnish Cultural Foundation’s North Karelia Regional Fund, Kulturanova Novi Sad and Sovintola Kesälahti.
Admission Free
Duration: 45min (approximately)
THE DANCE AND MUSIC WORKSHOP, led by the authors of the performance, will be held on the following dates: September 25 and 27, 11.00-13.00 on the main stage. The number of participants is limited to 15, all those interested can apply at: teatar@dksg.rs
Admission Free