Alternative film festival 2012

Subota / Saturday, 8. decembar


17:00 Mala sala / Small Hall


Uvodna reč / Presents: Diana Nenadić


Subota / Saturday, 8. decembar


17:00 Mala sala / Small Hall


Uvodna reč / Presents: Diana Nenadić


I am absolutely certain that I would never have taken up writting or film directing, if fate had not taken me to Belgrade, nor would I have written so well and directed so well (...) if I had not, by destiny, returned to Split... and then I stayed in Split.


In following such succinct life and artistic odysseys of the poet and director Ivan Martinac (1938 - 2005), from Split, this sellection of films from his opus focuses on some of the most important sections of the path the author had traversed. Avantira, My Lady (the third part of the trilogy Sunflowers, 1960), Rondo (1962), and Face (1962) all fall into his formative Belgrade phase, heralding this "apologist of indifference and anguish" and filmmaker of underground poetics, who will experience his apogee in Split, the town of his birth, filmming poetic reflections on life, death and (his own) solitude. Marked by the specific Mediteranean environment, contemplation and/or editing as the "brain of the film", Meštović (the exaltation of matter), Monologue on Split (1961-1963), Focus (1967), and Outing (1975) are only some of the works from the Split Phase exemplifying his continued search for the meaning of existance and "pure film".

Posve sam siguran da nikada ne bih ni pisao ni režirao, da me sudbina nije odvela u Beograd, niti bih tako dobro pisao i tako dobro režirao (...) da se nisam, voljom sudbine, vratio u Split… i ostao sâm u Splitu.

Slijedom ovako sažete životne i umjetničke odiseje splitskoga pjesnika i redatelja Ivana Martinca (1938-2005), izbor filmova iz njegova opusa fokusira se na neke od najvažnijih dionica toga puta. Avantira, moja gospođa (treći dio trilogije Suncokreti, 1960), Rondo (1962) i Lice (1962) pripadaju formativnoj beogradskoj fazi, najavljujući „apologeta ravnodušnosti i tjeskobe“ i filmaša underground poetike, koji će kreativni apogej doživjeti u rodnome Splitu snimajući poetske refleksije o životu, smrti i (vlastitoj) samoći. Obilježeni mediteranskim ambijentom, kontemplacijom i/ili montažom kao „mozgom filma“, Meštrović (egzaltacija materije), Monolog o Splitu (1961-1963), Fokus (1967) i Izlazak (1978) tek su neki od splitskih primjera njegova kontinuirana traganja za smislom postojanja i „čistim filmom“.        




Avantira, Moja gospođa, 1960, 7' 17 fot

Rondo, 1962, 6' 2'' 17 fot.

Lice, 1962, 14' 13 fot

Meštrović, Egzaltacija Materije, 1960, 7' 30''

Monolog O Splitu, 1961-1962, 7' 21'' 2 fot

Fokus, 1967, 7' 26'' 3 fot

Izlazak, 1978, 18' 39' 8 fot.


