Prateći program u okviru festivala Alternative film/video 2015

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Prateći program u okviru festivala Alternative film/video 2015


Bus Nut, Akosua Adoma Owusu, United States, 2014, 7 min

Compressions/Expansions, Vincent Loubère, France, 2015, 14 min

No Word About Ilse, Jens Höffken, Austria, 2014, 8 min

Semiotics of a Model, Tabassom Habibzadeh, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2015, 21 min

Kepler, George Drivas, Greece, 2014, 14 min

Silence of the Ants, Soran Ebrahim, Iraq, 2015, 8 min

We Demand, Claudrena Harold & Kevin Jerome Everson, United States, 2016, 10 min

White – 17 Tones, Trond Ansten, Norway, 2015, 27 min.
