O istoriji, seksualnosti, autorstvu, ratu i videu / filmski dispozitivi uključenjaiisključenja

Učesnici / Participants: Marina Gržinić, Miško Šuvaković, Aneta Stojnić, Saša Kesić, Želimir Žilnik


Festival novog filma i videa /

Festival of New Film and Video

Beograd / Belgrade, 7-11. decembar 2016.



10.12. | Subota | Saturday

Mala sala | Small Theatre

 20.00 Razgovor/Talk


O istoriji, seksualnosti, autorstvu, ratu i videu / filmski dispozitivi  uključenjaiisključenja /

Questions of history, sexuality, authorship, war and  video / films apparatuses of exclusion and inclusion

Učesnici / Participants: Marina Gržinić, Miško Šuvaković, Aneta Stojnić, Saša Kesić, Želimir Žilnik


Razgovor će se fokusirati na pitanja istorije, seksualnosti, autorstva, rata i filmske/video aparature uključenja i isključenja.


Gržinić i Šmid uronjene su u citate, mešavinu stilova, dokumentaraca i smrti. U isto vreme to je priča o video-filmskim referencama na dokumentarce o ratu na Balkanu, filmovima crnog talasa i autorima poput Želimira Žilnika, Dušana Makavejeva, etc., i o današnjim pričama o izbeglicama u EU i nasilju nad LGBTQI osobama u bivšoj Jugoslaviji i bivšoj Istočnoj Evropi.


Marina Gržinić i Aina Šmid bave se videom of 1982. sarađivale su na više od 40 video-art projekata, uradile kratki 16mm film i brojne video i medijske instalacije; svaka je režirala i nekoliko video-dokumentaraca i televizijskih emisija. Godine 1997. napravile su interaktivni CD-ROM za ZKM iz Karlsruea. Tokom saradnje duge skoro tri decenije, Gržinić i Šmid predstavile su i izlagale svoje video-radove i video-instalacije na više od sto festivala videa na svetu i dobile nekoliko vodećih nagrada za svoje video-produkcije. Godine 2009. na engleskom je objavljena knjiga o njihovom radu New-Media Technology, Science, and Politics The Video Art of Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid („Tehnologija, nauka i politika novih medija: Video art Marine Gržinić i Aine Šmid“), koju su uredile Marina Gržinić i Tanja Velagić, a objavio Löcker Verlag iz Beča.


Marina Gržinić (1958) doktorirala je filozofiju i radi kao naučni savetnik na Filozofski inštitut ZRC SAZU u Ljubljani (Institut za filozofiju Naučno-istraživačkog centra Slovenačke akademije nauka i umetnosti). Takođe radi kao freelance teoretičarka medija, likovna kritičarka i kustoskinja. Profesorka je na Akademiji likovnih umetnosti u Beču (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien). Objavila je stotine članaka i eseja i nekoliko knjiga.


Aina Šmid (1957) profesorka je istorije umetnosti i već dugo radi kao urednica časopisa za dizajn iz Ljubljane. Trenutno je freelance spisateljica.



Questions of history, sexuality, authorship, war and  video / films apparatuses of exclusion and inclusion


The talk  will center around questions of history, sexuality, authorship, war and  video/films apparatuses of exclusion and inclusion.


Gržinić and Šmid, are drowned into citations, mixture of styles, documentaries and death. This is also the story about  video-film references to documentaries of the Balkan war, films   of the black wave and autors as Želimir Žilnik, Dušan Makajev, etc. and to the present stories of refugees in the EU and violence against LGBTQI people in former Yugoslavia and former Eastern Europe.


Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid are involved in video from 1982. They have collaborated in more than 40 video art projects, they made a short feature 16 mm film and numerous video and media installations; independently they directed several video documentaries and television productions. In 1997 they realized an interactive CD-ROM for ZKM, Karlsruhe. Gržinić and Šmid in their almost 3 decades long collaborative engagement presented and exhibited their video works and video installations in more than 100 video festivals in the World and have received several major awards for their video productions. In 2009 a book was published in English language about their work with the title New-Media Technology, Science, and Politics The Video Art of Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid. Edited by Marina Gržinić and Tanja Velagić. Published by Löcker Verlag, Vienna.


Marina Gržinić (1958) is doctor of philosophy and works as researcher advisor at the Institute of Philosophy at the ZRC SAZU (Scientific and Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Science and Art) in Ljubljana. She also works as a freelance media theorist, art critic and curator. She is Professor at The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Marina Gržinić has published hundreds of articles and essays and several books.


Aina Šmid (1957) is Professor of art history and has been for a long  working  as editor of a design magazine in Ljubljana. At the present she is free-lance writer.
