PROMOVISANJE TALENATA: Kartun Dor 2015. Promoting the Talents: Cartoon d’Or 2015

Utorak/Tuesday 6.10. u 18:00, Mala sala/Small Hall


Promoting the Talents: Cartoon d’Or 2015


Kartun d'Or je pan-evropska nagrada za najbolji kratki animirani film godine. Nagradu dodeljuje Kartun – Evropska asocijacija animiranog filma uz podršku Medija programa, koja nagrađuje najbolje od najboljih i samo filmovi koji su dobitnici nagrada sa glavnih evropskih festivala mogu da se takmiče.

U okviru ovog kratkog izbora, žiri sastavljen od međunarodnih eksperata bira šest finalista i pobednika. Kartun d'Or se dodeljuje jedanput godišnje u septembru mesecu tokom Kartun foruma, foruma za koprodukciju, finansiranje i distribuciju evropskih animiranih filmova za TV i nove medije. Svrha Kartun d'Or-a je da deluje kao spona između režisera kratkih filmova i industrije, i da ispomaže talentovane umetnike da otpočnu nove projekte.

Ustanovljen 1991. godine, prvi Kartun d’Or je bio dodeljen britanskom režiseru Niku Parku (NickPark), koji tada bio još nepoznat, za njegov film „Zadovoljstva stvorenja“. Usledila su druga velika imena kao npr. Silvain Šome (SylvainChomet ), Žak-RemiGirer (Jacques-RémyGirerd), Mark Bejker (MarkBaker), Majkl Dudok De Vit (MichaelDudokDeWit), Džoana Kvin (JoannaQuinn) i Benjamin Rener (BenjaminRenner).

The Cartoon d’Or is the pan-European award for the best animated short film of the year. Granted by CARTOON - the European Association of Animation Film with the support of the MEDIA Programme, it rewards the best of the best since only prize-winning films from the major European festivals can compete.

Amongst this short list, a jury of international experts selects six finalists and a winner. The Cartoon d’Or is annually awarded in September during the Cartoon Forum, the forum for the co-production, financing and distribution of European animation for TV and new media. The purpose of the Cartoon d’Or is to act as a pipeline between short film directors and the industry, and to help talented artists start a new project.

Launched in 1991, the first Cartoon d’Or went to British director Nick Park, still unknown at the time, for his film “Creatures Comforts”. Other great names have followed, such as Sylvain Chomet, Jacques-Rémy Girerd, Mark Baker, Michael Dudok De Wit, Joanna Quinn and Benjamin Renner.


SAMAČKI ŽIVOT 2:15 A Single Life Režija / Director: Job, Joris & Marieke  Holandija /Netherlands, 2014.

Kada pustitajanstvenu singlicu, Pia najednom dobije moć da putuje kroz svoj život.

When playing a mysterious vinyl single, Pia is suddenly able to travel through her life. 


ODLAZAK JESENI 10:30 Autumn Leaves Režija / Director: Carlos De Carvalho & Aude Danset  Francuska / France, 2013.

Abel živi zimi,  a Apolin leti. Izolovani u svojim „prirodama“ oni nikada ne sreću jedno drugo. Čak ne bi ni trebali da se susretnu. Tako kada Abel prekorači granicu i otkrije Apolin, radoznalost postaje nezadrživa.

Abel lives in the winter and Apolline lives in the summer. Isolated in their „natures“, they never met each other. They are not even supposed to meet. So when Abel crosses the border and discovers Apolline, curiosity is overwhelming...


BRAĆA PO ORUŽJU 30:00 Brothers In Arms Režija / Director: Cav Bøgelund Danska / Denmark, 2014.

Braća po oružjudonosi nam priču o Ornu, danskom komandiru voda smeštenom u Avganistanu i njegovoj saradnji sa lokalnim policijskim kapetanom, Faridom.

Brothers In Arms tells the story of Ørn, a Danish platoon commander positioned in Afghanistan and his cooperation with local police captain, Fareed.


KODA 9:00 Coda Režija/Director: Alan Holly Irska/Ireland, 2014.

Izgubljena duša pijano tumara gradom. U parku susreće Smrt koja mu pokazuje mnoge stvari.

A lost soul stumbles drunken through the city. In a park, Death finds him and shows him many things.



JEDVA ČEKAM 5:00 I Can’t Wait Režija / Director: Claire Sichez Francuska / France, 2013.

Jednostavna gorko-slatka priča, priča koja dotiče sva doba, koju želimo da čuvamo za sebe kao tajnu, priča koja nosi mnoštvo osećanja, priča koju, na kraju, želimo da delimo sa svima: to je priča o životu.

It is a simple and bitter-sweet story, a story that touches any age, that we want to keep to oneself as a secret, a story carrying many feelings, a story which, finally, we want to share with everybody: it is the story of life.


ŠIRA SLIKA 7:30 The Bigger Picture Režija / Director: Daisy Jacobs Velika Britanija / United Kingdom, 2014

„Želiš da je staviš u dom; ti joj to reci; reci joj sada“ sikće jedan od braće. Ali majka ne želi da ide i njihovi sopstveni životi počinju da se raspliću. Inovativni likovi u prirodnoj veličini pričaju oštru, ali mračno komičnu priču o staranju o majci u poznim godinama.

“You want to put her in a home; you tell her; tell her now” hisses one brother. But Mother won’t go, and their own lives unravel. Innovative life-size animated characters tell the stark and darkly humorous tale of caring for an elderly parent.
