U sredu i četvrtak 6. i 7. aprila u 20 sati u Maloj sali biće održan program „Šest filmskih radova Silvije Šedelbauer“.


 Ovaj dvodnevni program predstavlja mali ali snažni filmski opus Sylvije Šedelbauer. U njenim filmovima može se videti poseban tretman arhivskog materijala, poetski način montaže i osetljiv odnos prema prirodi i vezama među ljudima. Šedelbauer živi i radi izmedu Nemačke i SAD. Pored bavljenja filmom ona radi i kao član selekcione komsije festivala Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen. Ova projekcija u Akademskom filmskom centru u Beogradu je u stvari njena prva Evropska retrospektiva van Nemačke.


Program uredili Greg De Kjur Ml i Milan Milosavljević


Program 1

Sounding Glass, 2011, 10’

Wayfare, 2009, 6’

Memories, 2004/2010, 19’


Posle projekcije predavanje


Program 2

Remote Intimacy, 2008, 15’

False Friends, 2007, 5’

Sea of Vapors, 2014, 15’


Razgovor sa umetnicom vodi Igor Simić


Sylvia Schedelbauer has a succinct and recent body of work, making her unique video-films in a precise and patient fashion. Though the video-films she makes are brief, ranging from 5 to 20 minutes apiece, they are also very dense. A multitude of poetic images wash over the viewer, like the flowing waters the artist so loves to depict. Often these images arrive in flashes of illumination that mimic the act of blinking, or indeed approach the classical analog machination that animates the very art form of cinema. There is something elemental to be found in Schedelbauer’s work.


Schedelbauer exposes herself most readily in Memories, the type of autobiographical effort that many artists venture in self-exploration, looking at themselves in the mirror of others. Schedelbauer investigates a collection of family photos featuring her National Socialist grandfather, her businessman father, and her Japanese mother. The artist narrates the work herself, gradually moving from subjective ancestral past to recent history and contemporary society. This is autobiography as critical study. Her memories are occupied with war, politics, and other wider subjects of consequence. It is an unassuming and straightforward work, best as a personal rather than stylistic introduction.


Six pieces of cinema by Sylvia Schedelbauer at AFC Belgrade is the artist’s first profile program in Europe outside of Germany, her home. Schedelbauer also works as a member of the selection committee at the venerable Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, thus spending a good deal of her time and energy supporting the careers of other international film/video artists. This selfless impulse is refracted in her singular work. It is not hard to recognize or to feel.


Greg de Cuir Jr






Za one koji dobro poznaju nemački jezik, a skloni su igrama reči, susret sa prezimenom Schedelbauer zazvučaće neobično. U malo drugačijoj pisanoj varijanti, prezime filmske autorke koja će biti gošća Akademskog filmskog centra DKSG, 6. i 7. aprila, bi bukvalno trebalo da se tumači kao “ona(j) koja(i) pravi lobanje”. Nisam siguran da li je Silvija Šedelbauer sposobna za takvu vrstu netipičnog ljudskog delovanja/zanimanja ali sam prilično siguran da joj filmske konstrukcije nisu nepoznanica. Njen filmski opus nije obiman ali sa dosadašnjih 6 radova pokazala je da je još uvek moguće kreirati jedinstveni i sopstveni filmski izraz. Iako, formalistički gledano, autorka u svim svojim radovima manipuliše tzv. pronađenim materijalima (found footage), stiče se utisak da pored veštine u njihovom korišćenju uspeva i da nam prikaže nam svoj unutrašnji svet, nemire i snove i da nas uvuče u beskrajnu i zavodljivu igru percepcije. Suptilnom repeticijom određenih kadrova i skoro dijaboličnom pažnjom za detalje zvučne slike u svakom delu, pretvara filmsku građu u skladni ali uznemirujući psihološko-audiovizeuelni konstrukt.




Ako zavirite u filmski svet Silvije Šedelauer, sigurno ćete zapamtiti taj doživljaj. Taj svet vam verovatno neće ulepšati lobanju ali ono što se nalazi u njoj će poželeti da se ponovo vrati u njega.


Milan Milosavljević







