Već tri godine u okviru Festivala odvija se istraživački forum

10:00 | Sala za sastanke | Conference Hall 
3. Alternative film-video istraživački forum / 3rd Alternative Film-Video Research Forum











Welcome/Introduction, Greg de Cuir, Jr (Selector/Curator, Alternative Film/Video Belgrade)


Panel 1: Historical perspectives   

- Xavier García Bardón (Curator/PhD Candidate, Université de Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle), ‘Video at EXPRMNTL 5: The video section at the Knokke-le-Zoute experimental film festival, December 1974’

- Danijela Purešević (Program Editor, Radio-Television Serbia, Belgrade), ‘Yugoslav-Serbian video art, the 1970s and the 1980s’




Panel 2: New media

- Paula Albuquerque (Artist/PhD Candidate, University of Amsterdam/Gerrit Rietveld Academy), ‘Webcams: Agency and the art of surveillance’

- Anna Zett (Artist, Berlin), ‘Dinosaur.gif’


Lunch break


13:20 – 14.20

Panel 3: Analogue/digital divide  

- Bruce Checefsky (Artist/Director, Reinberger Galleries, Cleveland Institute of Art), ‘Remaking Maya Deren’s lost film Witch’s Cradle (1943)’

- Rinaldo Censi (Writer/Curator, Bologna/Milano), ‘Rapture: Gimmicks, Paul Sharits’


14:20 – 14:30



14:30 – 15:30

Panel 4: Video auteurs

- Katrin Mundt (Selector/Curator, goEast Wiesbaden), ‘Echoes and Feedback. On television as material in the work of Gail Pickering’

- Marc Siegel (Professor, Goethe-University, Frankfurt), ‘Stupid structures, happy structures, or introducing the work of German artist Ludwig Schönherr’



Miriam De Rosa (Lecturer, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore-Milano)


Closing thoughts



The 1st Alternative Film/Video Research Forum was held in 2012 under the auspices of the festival Alternative Film/Video Belgrade and featured such notable participants as Dirk de Bruyn, Ivan Ladislav Galeta, and others. The second edition of the forum in 2013 included Branka Benčić, Bruce Posner, and more. In 2014 the 3rd Research Forum will commemorate the introduction of video to the profile of the festival in 1985. This one-day event running concurrently with the festival will gather a group of curators, critics, artists, and researchers for an intimate meeting where papers will be delivered and discussions held concerning alternative works of film, video, and new media art.


The founding curator of the Alternative Film/Video Research Forum is Greg de Cuir, Jr.


